So I'm at work today, for a change, and every quarter we have a group of accountants who come in and analyze our books. They do this to make sure that everything is running smoothly and that we aren't a bunch of shady sheisters.....yeah really! So this morning I get to work and there are three accountants in one of our offices setting up to go through our books. As a morning ritual, I like to show up to work late and then stroll around to each person's desk and say my hello's.
As I'm going on my morning stroll I happen to walk by the office in which all the accountants are stuffed into, and out of nowhere hear....'Alok'? I stop for a second and then turn back wondering if she was talking to someone else (cause their's so many Alok's in Ottawa let alone my office!!! Smarter!). I get to the office door and see three female accountants, and two of them are actually pretty hot. One of the hot ones' looks at me with a giant smile on her face and says....'How have you been?'. I'm just standing there like a deer in headlights wondering where the hell this other Alok guy is, and why I haven't met him yet and how he's connected to this donk.
She keeps going on, unfortunately I was zoned out and I think she realized that cause all I heard next was.....'Remember we met at 56 one night?'. The lightbulb went off and all I had was a visual in my head of me grinding the heck out of this accountant while grabbing her ass....reallly friendly around these parts!! Then it all came back to me...'Oh yeah of course I remember, how have you been?'. This is where the akward small talk began to take place, when all I could think of was how the hell is this happening and where the fuck is this other Alok guy gone!!
My two worlds are slowly starting to collide. It's a great day when a club donk turns out to be an accountant and then shows up at your work. I would like to quote my personal agent who I spoke to about the whole situation; "She's a freak by night and an accountant by day GO FIGURE!!!"
So this is my life, clean slacks and all.