So what's been going on.....not a whole lot, other than I got engaged and will be getting married this summer!! I can't believe how crazy the last few months have been and how fast time is passing. I got engaged October 22nd, 2010 on a crisp Friday afternoon, and from that moment forward it seems as if I'm standing still and the time is just flying by. In just 4 quick months I will be a married man and ready to start a whole new chapter in my life. I don't think too much is going to change other than a few more financial responsibilities, but I'm so excited to be with Danika for the rest of my life and start living our life. We always have fun together and joke around like a bunch of young kids who can't stand to be without one another (I know it sounds tacky and cliche) but it's the truth!
Planning this wedding hasn't been too bad, we're pretty organized and everything has been going according to plan. Of course we have our mini arguments about small details, but who doesn't? On top of planning this wedding we are also in the process of house shopping/building a house and that in itself has been quite challenging. Who knew it would be this hard to buy a house??
From now until September 3rd (the wedding date), I will be blogging from a males perspective on the trials and tribulations of planning a wedding and building a house. There will be nothing held back, clean slacks or not!
Below is the link for the proposal video I made to commemorate the moment....