1) It's not that different from the first iPhone you bought. That you probably still have.
2) You could get one the next day without camping out for a week. (get a job, or a life please)
3) It has NO BUTTONS. Try getting something with a freakin keyboard - like the BlackBerry. Do you have a computer? Would you like to replace the keys with a touchscreen panel? No? Of course not you turds. Touchscreens are stupid and unusable for fast typing. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE STOP PRETENDING YOU CAN TYPE JUST AS WELL AS A KEYBOARD......ALY!
4) The IPhone is a MEDIA device. They may as well have called it the IPOD VII. The phone functionality is secondary to the media functionality. Hey it's a SICK media device. If you bought it for that reason then you get a get out of loserville card! If you bought it and you do alot of emailing and typing - you're back to loserville.
6) In 6 months Steve Jobs (a complete genius) is going to release another version that barely adds anything and you are going to wait in line again like lab rats, then Tarry will come by and get DNLL on your ass!
I could go on and on. Yeah, there is a Crackberry coming out that is a clone of the iPhone...I assure you only the loyal Blackberry fans will be buying it. Gotta give props to Crackberry.
I haven't included many pictures in this article because I want you to read. I understand that it's hard to read sometimes without looking at the pictures but please sound out the words real slow and you may understand them. If you are having too much trouble get the application that reads your emails out loud for you. Wait? You don't have that on the IPhone - sorry forgot. The least you can do is put on a clean pair of slacks and hit the bricks!! If fashion can make a comeback and be cool (bright colors, old school Ray Bans, retro Nikes etc.), then why the hell can't electronics.....think about that.

P.S. This doesn't mean that I don't want an iPhone or have hate towards iPhone owners. Just looking at the big picture!! I should be getting mine in a couple of days:)
If Iphones came with a hot blonde... Then I'd consider camping out for the first one :)
and that's all I have to say about that...
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