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Since Day One.....

For those of you who know me, know that I usually don't clean my room, but when I do I end up finding all types of cool shiz. I was cleaning up my office last night and I had a whole bunch of old CD's scatterd everywhere, so as I was cleaning them up I would toss the odd throwback in the CD player. I've been in love with hip hop and rap music my whole life, and sometimes when I find an old CD it takes me back to the days of when I used to bring my mom to HMV so I could scoop the newest tracks.

I found a CD called 'The Civic Association' that I named after my older brother who had just got a brand new Honda Civic Coupe at the time. Back in the day I was so proud to be his younger brother (not that things have changed), but I would tell everybody that my brother is rolling clean in a brand new Civic. So to celebrate I burned a CD with the dopest tracks and built a website to match the CD called 'Civic Association'. In case you haven't already come to the conlcusion.....yes I was a total Stuart, and I'm not afraid to say it.

Long story short, I found the 'Civic Association' CD last night when I was cleaning up the office and threw it in the CD player. There was this one rap song that I was so in love with it was disgusting. I wanted this song so bad that one day I saw the video on MuchMusic Rapcity after school at 4:30pm, and being the Stuart I am I knew that they would replay the exact same episode again at 11:00pm that night. So I convinced my mom that I had a huge project due the next day so I could stay up late, but what she didn't know was that I was staying up to watch the 11:00pm episode of rapcity so I could record the video I loved so much. My parents went to bed, and because it was Wednesday night my brother was out drinking with his boys, so this allowed me to sneak into the basement and hook up the VCR to the TV. Video came on, I recorded it....then I hooked up the VCR to our tape player and then recorded the sound onto a cassette so that I could play it in my room and the car!!! If that's not dedication then I don't know what is!

The one song that I was in love with was called 'Ain't No Playa' by Rappin 4-Tay, who only had that one song on his hip hop resume....but what a song!! I did some research and just after the release of this song he was found guilty for first degree murder and is currently serving a life sentence in San Quentin jail (Ahh the life of a rap glamourous). While your reading this blog post, do you think he's in his cell wondering if anybody still remembers him? Check out his video below.