After Mr. Hollywood's contribution to last week's blog, the feedback was quite unanimous for another blog post. Due to all the requests, I give you another CleanSlacks blog post from Mr. Hollywood. Enjoy!
Why do we squeeze so many events (birthdays, weddings and/or bachelor/bachlorette parties), recreational activities (hitting the gym or the clubs) and so much actual work in such a small amount of time? Because we HAVE to? As my father always tells me, you don't HAVE to do anything if your life you don't WANT to do!
Ya sure, it would be nice to go to Jessica's birthday party, but you know what, you don't HAVE too. Unless Jessica is one of your "BFF's" she is not going to remember the next morning, after puking her brains out all night. Sure, if it's family or your best friends birthday you should be there, but stop running around town or the country trying to make everyone's birthday parties. A call will suffice 90% of the time, because most of your "friends" know how busy you truly are.
Going to the gym has become like a second job to some people, "I really don't want to go to the gym, but I HAVE too!". I think I have heard that said to me at least 30 times already last week at work alone. Sure exercise is a good way for some people to let some built up energy out and keep in shape at the same time. Why not try a nice walk or jog for an hour every second day with a friend or a family member? You get the exercise and fresh air at the same time and are not rushing around town, like a desperate guy running around the bar at 2:30 am looking for the drunkest girl to take home. There's no need to squeeze a 2 hour workout into 30 mins!
Now work is a tricky one, but still manageable. Now this is the only "HAVE" you need to do. You HAVE to leave work at work, if you are taking it home with you either physically or mentally it is going to take over your entire life. Sure you may need to stay that extra hour once or twice a week at work to finish up a major project for the boss, but don't make it a habit! Because it will only become something that you will get taken advantage of for doing. If you leave the work were it is suppose to be, your life can only be better for it! And if all that fails, just get a Government job!
You have to weed out the important things to YOU in your life and ditch the deadweight (cause it will only sink you in the end, once and for all!). Rest and relaxation is extremely important in your daily life, if you take on too much you will find yourself either failing or falling into the same routine every single day for the rest of your life. Take life one day at a time and try not to please the world, because you will fall straight on your ass, as you guessed, with absolutely no class.
All Class All The Time.
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