Another day in the office, I thought the best way to get this Friday started was to fire out an email to the boys and see what's on tap for the weekend. As I began to make my rounds I realized that I was just going to take it easy this weekend, but when one of the G-Unit members told me his plans I began wondering who he was going to be hanging out with.
So I asked the simple question, and got a pretty weird response since the person he mentioned was an enemy of his just last week!! I then proceeded to ask him if he was serious, and this is what his response was...via email:
LOL no I hate him and if I saw him on the side of the road, with a stalled car and four flat tires, with no cell phone, in shorts and a t-shirt, with no boots on and he had locked himself out of the car in minus 25 degree weather and a full blizzard with chinook winds, and there was a family of bears that haven't eaten in 6 months and were about to hunt him down and eat him if I didn't pick Hero up, I'm pretty sure I would put my window down and blast Mariah Carey's "And when a Hero comes along, with the strength to carry on...."
and keep driving and not look back!
Realllll friendly around here. I guess their BFF's, but it still has me wondering....who wears the cleanslacks in that friendship?
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