There is alot of talk lately that the younger generation has lost all communication skills because of modern day technology. It seems that picking up the phone to talk just isn't the norm anymore, and SMS and EMAIL are the preferred modes of communication among today's youth. I used to agree with that statement until I discovered a little hidden gem of an app for the Apple iPhone!!
This app allows you to add little emoticons to your text based conversation, and if you think about it this is how our parents were taught to communicate when they were young!! You might not be following me on this one....but just hear me out.
Think back to kindergarden when you were just a little young'n try to get a prime spot in the sandbox, and your teachers would call you over for story time. I'm sure we all remember story time, but do you recall the books and how we were taught? The books were full of color and giant pictures with minimal verbage to describe what was going on....it was the pictures that did all the talking. So as you can see, this is how we were all taught....through pictures and little bits of text. So in my opinion I think that using emoticons within texting is just linking us back to how we were taught to communicate and understand one another.
Not sure if I have you sold or not, but the bottom line is that this new app is too addictive for me not to use and endorse daily!! Just look at how cool my text conversations are now.........

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