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Social Networking is soooo wrong!!

OMG did you see what so and so was doing on the weekend at the club?? Did you see what that whore posted on his wall?? I can't believe he had the nerve to poke me after he told me off?? There is no way she's in a relationship with that loser!!

Sound familiar??

There is so much hype around social networking lately that it's kinda scary if you think about it. It's unatural that more people are used to communicating through either text messaging or social networks! What do I mean by social networks?; Facebook, MySpace, Friendster and MSN. What ever happened to calling people on the phone and ringing people's doorbell to see if their home? I don't know about you, but back in the days when the doorbell rang at my house it was a pretty big deal. My brother and sister would be watching TV or fighting with one another, but once that bell rang....get the hell out of the way! It was a mad dash to the front door as the two of them would bump and push each other on their way there, my sister would usually come out victorious since my brother still hadn't perfected balancing his giant head while running. When one of their friends would show up at the front door it was always an experience, and it also gave the family something to talk about whether it was that friends parents or how they were bad influences on us. Does that even happen anymore? NO! All we get now is an annoying chirp from our cell phone notifying us that some douche bag of a friend is text messaging us to see if we might be interested in doing something. WTF?!? How about you get off your ass and ring my doorbell, so at least I know your serious about doing something.

Once a heavy user of Facebook, I don't feel the same way I once used to about the popular social networking tool. With the original thought of being able to keep in touch with old friends sounded great, but then I I want them to know what I'm up to everyday?? Then I realized that's why they call them distant friends, cause you don't want them to creep through your daily pics and wall posts! One of my associates put it best by creating a group called "Facebook, bringing those you don't want to talk to closer to you!". I snapped out of the social networking craze one day when I was out with some friends and a total random stranger I had never met before came up to me and said; "Hey how was your trip to Orlando? I saw the pics, looks like you had a blast." Excuse me?? That's when I had to pull the plug and stop advertising my personal life on the internet for every random person to see.

The scary part about this social network phenomenon is that it's like a drug, because no matter where you are you always feel the need to log in and check your profile!! God for bid you don't hurry up and log in to accept your friend requests and check your wall posts. That aspect is pretty bad, but the worst part of Facebook is the relationship section. I think most of you know what I'm talking about here.

Facebook users list themselves as single, in a relationship, married, engaged, in an open relationship or to say "It's complicated." In order to be listed online as a couple, both people have to agree to the designation. It sometimes seems users' relationship statuses' change just about every time I log on to the Web site. Little red broken hearts appear next to a user's name if he or she recently went from "in a relationship" to "single." From my past experience it seems that Facebook is the tell all for knowing if someone is in a relationship or not! I ran into someone over the winter and asked a simple question; "So I heard your dating some Leb dude? Good for you." (Sounds pretty harmless). The rubuttle; "Are you retarded?? Since when did my profile list that I was in a relationship?"

I found a group on facebook called; "If your relationship isn't listed on doesn't count!" I think that says it all.

The owner's of these social networking sites are making billions of dollars and laughing all the way to the bank, and what their doing to society is taking away people's natural abilily to communicate. They are basically turning their daily users into mini detectives with all the creeping Facebook allows you to do, and this is driving people to completely unatural levels of low self asteem and lack of self confidence. However, none of this would be an issue if more people wore clean slacks.