I'm gonna be straight with all of you but when it comes to movies I have the worst taste in the world, as my friends and family can attest to. If I'm ever asked to recommend a movie, my friends and family usually have an unwarranted amount of doubt in my choices. I usually enjoy d-list comedies, rap documentary's or romantic comedies....I know I know, it's a little embarrassing. The other day I was a little bored so I decided to watch an older Will Ferrell flick that I hadn't seen before....'Semi Pro'.
Alot of my friends had already seen this movie, and told me that it was a complete dud which meant it was right up my alley. I think Will Ferrell is a creative genius even more so since he's got three kids and has been married for over 20 years, and in hollywood years that's a damn long time.
I watched the movie and found it pretty hilarious, there were alot of good one liner's but there was one thing I loved about this movie that I can't get out of my head!! Will Ferrell's character 'Jackie Moon' sings a song called 'Love me sexy' in the opening scene, and I can't get enough of this jam. I've already got this song on my iPod's top playlist and it's on heavy rotation in my car.....and I feel that this needs to be shared with the rest of you. This is the one time that I only really liked the movie because of the song, and not at the fact that Will Ferrell had a clean pair of slacks on!! Click the link below to listen. ENJOY!
Jackie Moon (Will Ferrell) - Love Me Sexy
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