There's no better way to wake up after 5 hours of sleep than to your sister banging down your door, yelling to wake the F up!! Most people would snap, but now it's gotten to the point where it's just expected from her. Reason for the early morning yelling, is because it's the Doctors birthday so I gotta get up to do 'family stuff'. In the Hindu tradition, it's a must that on your birthday you wear a new article of clothing, so of course the Doctor rolls over looking fresh to def in a new Armani shirt. I'm still mangled from the night before so he rolls right up to my grill.....'why the fuck is your right eye twitching??'. I'm thinking that it might be the 80 drinks I've had in the past 10days, or maybe the Big Mac with Nuggets, or maybe even the one meal a day I've been having for a week.....but my response.......Allergies!! BAAAHHHHH.
The family hangs out for a bit, then the Doctor has this genius I idea to hit up a patio downtown and get started on killing some drinks. Just waking up from a 10day bender, most people would look at the Doc and call him crazy, but instead I begin to tear up and thank god he's my bro!! Couple minutes later I find myself in a familiar spot......at the bar at 11:30am ordering a round of Corona's. The weather was perfect and the donks were in abundance as far as my cloudy vision could see. My sis and Sanchez came too, and the food and drinks kept coming!! We rolled out after a bit and then I took my bro shopping to get him something for his bday. I ended up getting him a digital camera, hoping that his paparazzi career will one day take off and hopefully be my ticket to one day meet Lohan.
Round 2 starts and we head to a family dinner, where once again eat less drink more took place. Why order the biggest meal on the menu, have one bite and kill three beers instead.......Sweezy knows why!! This was essentially the beggining to what was to become one of the sloushiest nights of my life. I was dead tired but my body knew that it was the Doctor's bday, so it wasn't about to let me down. The pre-drink went down at the Row with LB, Sweezy, Memory, Cult Jam, Chi-Chi and Boriqois. Drinks were drunk, then off to Donny's for more drinks that were drunk! The Doc met up with all his boys, then we grabbed Ch-Chi, better known as the Mayor of Barrymores, and made our way over to the club. The lineup was retarded long, but being with the Mayor has it's privileges.....no waiting in line, and plenty of eye candy!!! The night was kinda hazy but I'll point out some key events from the best of my knowledge.......Drinks were being downed as if they had an expiry date of 3 minutes on them, shots were flying as if we were at a Compton house party with Sweezy, donks were being grinding harder than cheese on a grater, and this all in turn lead to me running up and down the street with a box of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in my hand.
Being back at work today, I'm reminded by a colleague today......'yo man you remember seeing me on Sunday??'. WTF, NO! The night was a success since Memory got some ho's digits, I mean an old fashioned wholesome girls digits, Sweezy drink more then work, and the Doc & LB hit the wall came back and hit the wall again!! I wish I could tell you more but after harrasing GP for having a $4.75 tab on her C-Card, I don't remember much except for waking up on a small ass couch fully dressed from the night before and then realizing that I'm in GP's family room. I can only thank god that today is a holiday and I can just take it easy and hopefully recover from one of the greatest headaches I've ever experienced in my life!!! Little do I know that I'm about to experience the complete opposite of what I want, but with my clean slacks on I guess anything is possible!!
P.S. Do you remeber the back of my Lac with the suicide doors??
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