I'ma start this one off with my personal idol, and someone who always get's me thinking everytime I hear one of his lines. The greatest of all time (YOU HEARD ME!!)
"Got a project chick, that plays her part
And if it goes down y'all that's my heart
Baby girl so thorough she been with me from the start
Hid my drugs from the NARCs, hid my guns by the parts"
- Jay Z 'Sean Carter' Blueprint 'Girls Girls Girls'
Everyone hates Monday's, and I'm no exception. You wake up tired, work all day and when the 9-5 is done you're just completely drained. This past Monday was right out of a story book.....the day came to an end and I was sooo tired from such a busy day that all I wanted to do was shut er' down with a good movie and maybe some popcorn. However, I quickly forgot that my middle name is 'slave labour' and I was reminded of that as soon as I got home.
As soon as work was done LB hollers at me to meet him for A drink, which was a little out of the ordinary but I didn't think twice, even though I was exhausted. After a few Gin 7's and some seafood I ended up getting home around 7ish, when the GOD calls me out! "Babu come sit, we need to talk"........ahhh shit! I sat with the God and heard what he had to say..."We have small problem, and we need you to go to office and make us report for one of your sisters accounts". This didn't seem that bad, and I'm always there for my parents in a heartbeat.....but what the God tells me after is that the client needs this report Wednesday morning and it's Monday night. I realized that this report was gonna take me at least 5 hours to do, which meant I get to spend the night at my parents office by myself. I was pissed to shits! Just as quickly as I walked through the doors, I was back out and on my way back downtown.
Heading back downtown I got super lucky cause GP hollered to see what was up, so I filled her in explaining how the whole situation was bullshit and that I would be stuck in the office all night. Basically I was just complaining how everything sucked!! This is where the story begins.....without any hesitation "Do you need any help, cause I can help?". I'm always a little hesitant to ask for help but it was the GP and I knew I really had no option with the Doc and Mon out of town, so I called in the favour. Before I even get to the office the GP is sitting there waiting for me......what did I do to deserve a friend like this?
We get into the overheated office and get to work, and my first task was to hack into my sister's computer to pull out a file that Sanchez and SLNS needed for this upcoming wedding, but I was so pissed and tired that I couldn't find the file to save my life!! ....And I'm usually pretty tight with this kind of hacking.....ask GP, I ain't lying! "Get out of the way, I'll do this shit!", 30 seconds later......GP's got it. I couldn't believe it, but was glad that at least one of was on the ball. I would usually never let her know that I was impressed or proud whenever she did something better that I know I could have easily done, but I have to hand it to her this time cause she did good! With the first task out of the way, we began working on the report....and as the hours went by I began asking her how her day was.........SO GET THIS; She went to school all day starting at 8am and finishing at 8pm then went home made dinner and cleaned up and still without hesitation (and I'm gonna keep saying that because before I even said 'yes I need help' she was there!) came to help me, and not once did she complain. Oh yeah, she also explained how her cousin made the basketball team at school and her family was taking her out to dinner that night too, but she was still right there helping!!! Instead of taking 5 hours to do, thanks to GP we wrapped that shit up in 3 hours!
We both left the office tired as can be a little after midnight, and the whole way home I was just thanking god for the extra help he sent on which was the longest Monday of my life. But here's the kicker.....whenever I help my family with something they always reward me in some way for helping out, so naturally I felt that I should reward the GP for going completly out of her way too. So before I went to bed I hit her up thanking her for helping me and that she would be rewarded for her help; and this is what I got.....;"I don't need any reward, I got you as a best friend!" Speechless. People like that only come once every hundred years, and they're usually sporting a clean pair of slacks.
Sniff, Sniff, Sniff....So......sniff, sniff, sniff,
touching......sniff, sniff, sniff
LB Out
"Eyes behind shades, this necklace the reason
all of my dates been blind dates
But today, I got my thoroughest girl wit me"
A friendship like this is divine,
My love will stand the test of time,
When you’re caught in a bind,
No matter how fine the line,
If the world don’t see me runnin’ they must be blind,
Cause ill break though a wall of any kind
Wont have to make up my mind
And believe me this ain’t no rhyme,
It’s a friendship that will last till the end of time.
I love GP, she's so hot and she's my favourite!
Wow anonymous is intense dude, jesus!
LB Out
You know, it's the bestest feeling in the world knowing that there are people out there, other than your family, that are there for you no matter what. It's amazing to have friends like this because some people will never ever be blessed to have this friendship with anyone.
I couldnt agree with you more!!! thats why everyone should tell the ones they love just how much they mean, cause one day you might not be able to say the things you have been meaning to say. Friends like this come around once in a life time and last a life time.
ps. i love PAPARAZZI!!!! shes my giiirl!!!!!
im always intense ARNPRIOR
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