So this past weekend with all the god damn partying that took place.....I was put in the middle of an all too familiar situation!! In the words of one of our more prolific poets to date, Mr. Snoop Dogg, he states.....and we call all relate;
"Now this types of shit, happens all the time. You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine. See everything is fine when you listenin to the d-o-g"
Standing outside the club Saturday night, my colleague and woardy approaches me, who is might I add quite enebriated.....and hits me with a favour. He has shown interest in a young lady who is in the club and she is willing to come back to our place, but only if her friend agrees to join her....for moral support of course. He needs me to talk to her friend and convince her to come back home with us, so without hesitation I go right in for the kill. I pull her friend aside and basically asked her to come back to our place and let the two love birds get their shit together. Now in a perfect world she would have said, sure no problem, but instead I was hit with...."I don't think so...you want to use me to hook your friend up with mine?? Why can't anyone just love me and not always my friends!!" Yeah I know, my buddy is pretty much fucked! I turn my head to think of a quick comeback, but before I know it my drunken buddy has stepped in and has his arm around the only ticket he's got to get this girl. However, what he doesn't realize is that he has two loaded guns and is preparing to shoot himself in the foot, which he does quite nicely! The whole operation got destroyed and he left empty handed.
What I want to know is, why would she block so hard and what would YOU DO in this situation????
Snoop doesn't lie, because everything would have been fine if we WERE listening to the D-O-G.
Easy, there is only two answers to this riddle.....1) If this IS one of your best boys, then you tell the girl she looks great tonite and to come by and have a drink with you and see where the rest of the night takes you.
2) This is NOT one of your best boys and you throw him under the bus and run the other way!!
LB Out
P.S. Cause having two chicks is better than no chicks!!
i would offer Big Macs with McNuggets in the middle, then it wouldn't be a question whos coming back, but who cant come in!
I would begin to tell her this...
"Why do you think guys love your friend over you? Sure she might be hot, but clearly she's an airhead with a lame personality, you however, you're really cute, I like talking to you, you're hilarious, you're like one of the boys and I think it would actually be fun to hang out with you, I don't even understand what my boy sees in your friend. I work for MTV and I see a lot chicks like her, but you, you're down to earth, you're real, let's just chill and let those two losers do their thing."
Girl: "Wow Alok, you're really sweet, I'm so happy you see me for who I really am."
well, it didn't really go down like that...for all of you readin the blog, at the end of the night the friend said "okay we goin over, what's goin on?"...some one replied "I'm goin to bed, but these guys want to come by."...
ahem. story's over.
Just a comment to that last post....since you are my boys agent, wouldn't you want to look out for his best intrest? Stop pulling an E with Anna Faris who should have been in SILO. You heard me......
Bahahahah...i was just about to say something about that comment, of course it is probably the lady friend that wrote that comment, which means that this blog is really blowing up, if random girls from the streets are reading it.
LB Out
Hey sweetheart hate the game, not the player!!
classic. As an Agent, yes, i look out for his best interest...he had a big day the next day, wouldn't want anything..or anyone..to get in the way, of my future prodige?
Wait, Did i just rhyme a little.. what??
I"m out. last comment of the year.
Now I get it all, wow took me a long time, but starting off a sentance with "classic" I know who it is!
LB Out
Way to crack the case LB!!!
Lol Just call me Paul Williams P.I.
LB Out
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