I've taken a day off from adding any new posts for a couple of personal reasons, however by taking that day off I've had a chance to really clear my head and take a step back. This past week has been pretty eventful, as you already know, but there was alot of stuff that didn't include drinking and partying that really opened my eyes.
Tribe Called Quest really defines what I'm about to go into with their song 'Scenario'...
"Here we go yo, Here we go yo
So what's the what's the what's the
I feel like I wake up everyday and nothing seems to be the same, and when you work a 9-5 that's kinda odd. More importantly, with all of the partying and going out that I've been doing lately, the atmosphere seems to have changed......and definitely not for the worse. My life is still great, and I'm happy as can be, but being faced with all types of scenario's has really slowed me down a bit. What I mean by 'slowed me down', is that it's got me thinking about things I never once thought about or has brought me back to a place I once used to be in.
When close friends go through any type of turmoil, for some reason it always seems to ground me in a way that is difficult to describe, but it includes that nervous feeling you get in your stomach as your about to get on a rollercoaster. This week I was faced with a tough scenario that included a friend who is very dear to my heart that was so upset and mad, that I began to feel upset too. I don't know if that's normal, but I only did what I knew how to do, pushed my feelings aside and attempted to put myself in their shoes. When I did this, it brought me back to about two years ago when my brother and I stopped talking and really got into a huge fight. That was by far the hardest time I've ever had to face in my life, simply because of the close relationship my brother and I have. Listening to my friend tell me about their problem made me realize that no matter what I do, I can't let them get anywhere close to the scenario I was in! Family relationships can be very fragile, and I feel that there should never be an outsider interferring within that problem. All decisions must be made within the family circle and agreed upon by everybody included in that family.
I'm not going to go into any detail about what I did or said.......but all I know is that whenever god throws you a scenario like this, make sure you think twice about everything you do or say, make sure your ears are always open, and more importantly make sure you have a clean pair of slacks on.
Don't think for one second either that I know exactly what to do in this scenario, I'm simply just using my experience and massive amounts of support that I received back in the day from my 'Dear Abbey'....LB. It's always easy to trust somebody who wears clean slacks.
Wow thats a touching one today bro! Not too sure who and what the situation is about, but i do wish them all the best. Always remember, "Always keep your head up" and "Live for today, cause there may be no tomorrow". Words of wisdom from your Dear Abbey bro.
LB Out
P.S. Sweezy Where You @ ?!?!?!?!?....U got no game playa!!!!
Greatest blog rap was left on last post....check it out! goodnight LB...nice too know you!
I remember that time, I was hurting for you, it was so sad to see 3 siblings who were always attached at the hip change to being in the same room and not even looking at one another. I'm so happy that's in the past and overwith.
Paparazzi Shhh
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