We get the party poppin' pretty early, with Sweezy and myself who don't waste anytime and hit the bottle at 8 then people start to trickle in with LB, GP, Bean, Sanchez, Big Z & and the Ghund Crew and of course Memory and Service. Couple of hours later DJAjayB rolls through and last but most definitely not least my girl Nikita rolls in. The party is in full swing and the whole crew is getting completely crunked, while Nikita's snapping shot like she's got an US Weekly deadline to meet. Friday was eventful.....a little hazy towards the end, but all I hope is that Nikita made her flight to Vegas for the MTV Music Awards.....damn she party's hard!
You know it was a good night when you wake up and it takes you about 30 seconds to realize where you are and what the fuck happened to your life! After that 30 seconds you can either (A) grab your shit and get the fuck home, (B) go back to bed and hope someone who knows you walks in a tells you all about your night, or (C) grab your cell phone and start calling people who were at the same party to find out what the deal is.....I opted for (B) which worked out pretty well for me. Sweezy and GP came in and jumped on the bed, which set us up to lay there for a few hours watching Newport Beach!! I could have stayed there all day but of course slave labour was calling my name and I had to jet!!
The rest of the day was a write off until around 7pm, when the phone starts blowing up and the boys want to light it up again. I was lying on the couch receiving all these calls when he started chirping again, that's when I had to haymaker my liver again while yelling 'shut the fuck up you bastard....I run this shit, not you'! It was weird because my hand started to hurt and he wasn't shutting up, so I thought that maybe I should take it easy tonite? I get cleaned up with the intentions of staying in and so I call up my lady friend and she heads over to watch a movie. She came by but not to much later one by one, the boys start rolling in with party favours.....Sweezy with Red Bull, LB with Darts and Chew, Memory with little pieces of paper that say I.O.U, and Service with his CD changer!! She just looks at me like I'm a complete alchy, but I surprised even myself by drinking water while all the boys pre-drank at my place.
We gonna do this shit or what??? No.....no we're not!! It felt so weird to not pre-drink with the boys and then have them leave my place, all a little tipsy on their way to the club!! When I know their going to be walking into a honey infested party with tons of free booze and tons of late night eats, it was almost like when you're parents drop you off at overnight camp for a week and you see them drive away and you're so sad and pissed!!! So with the boys gone, I'm left alone with my lady friend and I decide to not let this ruin my evening, so movies we're watched and food was killed....all in all it was a pretty good night. I didn't have one drink, and got into a great conversation while hanging out.....however she got pretty tired and was dosing off, so I was left alone when she took off at about 12:35. Without any fail, and I'm gonna get religious on your ass, but what I'm about to tell you was nothing less than god sending me a message!! 12:38 my cell phone rings.....Sweezy......WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU....GET DOWN HERE, WE HAVE BOTTLES N' SHOTS!! I'm gonna be honest but if there was a flavour of gum called Bottles N' Shots I would never have to go clubbing.....ever, but since their isn't I really had no choice but to fufill my addiction...right? Right!
Rolling into the club at 1:00, I'm left with one solid hour to get crunk, and as I enter the club I see Dooner so now I know that this task won't be hard to accomplish. Shot's were shot, drinks were drunk and Learn Visa's were being swiped like I was at Holt Renfrew the day before X-Mas!! Good friends, good times......but you gotta go home! Heading home at 3:30 with LB is alright, but it's even better when you get Sweezy, Memory and Service/Google to pick you up shawarma's from Sandrella's!!! As the night comes to an end I'm ready to pass the fuck out, so I look down at myself and think.....'Damn these slacks are clean', and put on my PJ's and hit the pillow at 4:30am. All I could here my liver whisper was.....'I hope tomorrow's Monday!!'. Shitty for him it's Sunday.....and it's week 1 of the NFL regular season, HOLLA!
P.S. You can lose lots of money chasing women, but you will NEVER lose women by chasing money.
is this hooters? cause if it is you owe me some buffalo wings!!
Nikkita had a great time sharing stories from her European tour...it's really too bad that Rihanna is such a bitch...
I should just stick to psychology and analyzing people since I'm on point with that.
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