Going back to work after the long weekend is always hard, I don't care who you are. It doesn't matter how light your day is.....your freakin' tired all day, and most people including the ones at my work were all looking forward to going home and taking it easy. Being the sick individual I am, I was honestly looking forward to going home and having a drink! However, this decision was shared all across the board from LB, Sweezy, Memory and Sanchez....so I didn't feel that big of a loser after all.
Tuesday after work is where we begin, cause frankly nothing went down at work yesterday. Five o'clock hits and I'm out the door, along with every other tired worker including my boss 'The Queen'.......we call her that cause honestly, she runs shit! Rollin' in the G whip I head over to the mall to scoop up my Hilary Duff tickets....you heard me, there's no reason to hate or laugh. It's called strategic planning (you can make whatever you want from that comment). On my way home and the phone is blowing up....LB wants to get crunk and so does Cult Jam's crew, especially Ant. With the Doctor gone I have full access to the Row, but more importantly the skydeck which is a fan favorite. Sanchez also comes out of nowhere and holler's to see what's down.....'I'll be at the skydeck in 30....DONE'. So as my coworkers nestle into their PJ's, I'm basically setting myself up for yet another weekday yardsale.
I'm ready to hit up the skydeck, but of course there always has to be a catch......the God calls "Babu can you pick me at Silvercity", and before I can respond I get the good ol' dialtone. FUCK! Picking up the God is an experience in itself everytime, Memory knows how this one goes. When you roll up to the God it all starts by him starring down the car for a solid 5 minutes wondering if that Black Acura with his last name on the plates is actually his and not the other Ahuja family. Door opens......"So you bring this car", NO IT'S A FUCKIN' REPLICA!!! I keep my mouth shut and the God talks the whole way home everytime without fail, apparently he made friends with one of the usher's at the movies, I believe his name was Dan. "So you know Dan is good boy, he works hard....like you right?", realllly. As soon as the God gets dropped off the rips start....."Where are you going?"...."Out"..."Why do you party so much?"....."That's what deadbeats do Dad"....."Stupid idiot, you never going to...(door slams shut and I'm out)". I take off and laugh to myself as I see the God still in the driveway lecturing me even though I've left to get crunk.
The Row consists of drinks that were drunk, and Sanchez doin' some crazy vodoo shit with Ant.....which to be honest freaked my ass out a little bit. It was cool of Cult Jam to roll through even though she had her first day of skool as a science teacher! The party cleared out early and with Memory on his way, and LB, Sweezy and myself all with parched throats we really had no real option but to hit up Gracies. The crew rolled out and headed over to the number one yardale in Ottawa on Tuesday nights.
We roll in four deep like Color Me Badd, and head straight to the back bar to post up like the deviant stalkers we are. I still can't get over how much eye candy there is in that fuckin' bar, unbelievable! Drinks were drunk to get drunk, and old friends kept coming up that we haven't seen in awhile. As I look around I began to realize that there was something extremely wrong with this whole scenario.....why the fuck wasn't GP here, and who does she think she is to miss a weekday gathering??? The texting starting, basically calling her out on being a lightweight and the fact the were going to strip her of her name and demote her back to the hyphen. Trust me you don't ever want to be the hyphen, just ask Sweezy.....he did good with that! 10 minutes later GP rolls through ready to do the damn thing, I'm not gonna sugar coat anything but I was proud of her for sticking to her guns and coming out. From her PJ's to the dancefloor in 20 minutes.....god bless her:) Sweezy's boys were lining up shots and more drinks were flying than the Ottawa international air show.....when it all happened. Blue eyes, blond hair standing bout' 6'1 and a shirt that ready 'Cock Tease'.....we all fell in love, me for the 40th time, but LB fell real hard.
His night became a quest to holler at this girl, and trust me when he begin's to mission....just get the fuck out of the way and don't try to give his hard head any advice. Standing on the patio with GP, Sweezy and Memory.....LB comes out looking for a dart, when he just grabs the pack and leaves us to post up at the front. We just start laughing at him, but then out of nowhere 'Cock Tease' comes out and asks him if he has an extra dart?? WTF?? He just happened to have the pack....coincidence....I don't think so! She throws the dart in her mouth and LB lights her up, but before he can even say 'your welcome', her back is turned and she's hollering at some other dude!!!! We all die laughing, but then LB came back instantly to us and let us know that it's all about positioning yourself. Sure thing, that's why Sweezy rolled in for the scoop.......she's now known as Diane!!! Good times, good friends but more importantly even better donks.
Just as cool as we were rolling in, we form tight and roll out.....and you could hear all the wankster's on the patio whisper....'damn that crew's slacks are unbelievably clean, how do they do it??' You better ask somebody.......maybe Diane knows:-)
कीप होल्डिंग इत दोवं इन इंडिया!!! थे रोव इस सफे इन मय हंड्स.
First off, Sweenzy did'nt wheel nothing off me and he NEVER will! And she did tell me her name and it was C. Tease, she may have been lying but iam not 100% sure. It's all about the postioning ladies and gents and never forget where you heard it first!!!
LB Out
I think Sweezy/TC needs to stop balling so hard with the ladies!
To LB: "Even deaf girls say hi to me, she tell her blind friend and she say I gotta see"....Swizzle!
To Sweezy:
"That Sweezy he's so sleazy,
Even if I am that easy
I would never let him
touch me and tease me!!"
Quoted by a Hot Blondie spitting a freestyle
@ Gracie's last nite!!!
LB Out
WOW!!! That was no joke.
To my friend LB: LB respect the game,
Cuz I got the game,
LB you should just sit back and relax,
Dont worry dog ill let that blond hottie know what goes on in the back of the Max,
Dem girls know i got that surround sound,
Don't hate on me boy if you do "bang-bang" get down,
Sweezy does nothing if he aint stuntin',
I know they all see me comin'
Sorry i had to do it....Sweezy!
Ohhhh my good friend Sweezy thinks he can spit game now, wow, good for him! You are all about to witness the second coming of Jesus Christ Himself!!
"Making it Rain" is from the past but my boy Sweezy is still trying to make it last.
He's throwing all his money around like he's the other white boy rapper, the one from D-Town!
What he still doesn't see is that ballers like me get ALL there drinks for free, no matter where they be!
I got's the Patron for the morn', the Goose to get em' loose and Sweezy keeps yelling, "Give me that Rum cause all that other shit hurts my Tummy-Tum-Tum!!"
Poor little baby should be drinking Aquafina maybe. Cause the way the water flows threw his up-chucking throat is like a fuckin' joke!!
He trys to hang with the BIG BOYS, but keeps getting laughed at like a kids toy. Like a Tickle-Me-Elmo that gets mad love from the kids at Christmas his pick-up lines are worse than that Cheese without all the Wiz!
It's LB Baaaaaaby.........
Postioning himself like he's crazy, even when his eyes are all hazy and his boy Sweezys getting all lazy, eating those pout's with all that GRAVY!!
Hold Up Hold Up, wait a minute I gotta just clear one last thing up about last night here before I peace out......
LB doesn't get cock teased, he just make those Perfect 10 models buckle at the knees,
Put so much ice on there wrists it makes there whole bodies freeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!
LB Out
36 Hours later and nothing back from Sweezy....The greatest rappers (which of course you are not, Sweezy!) alive fire a freestyle right back, any punk(which you are!) can take a day and a half to right a ryhme!
I know formally announce my retirement from the game of rap and will focus on my producing career. Good luck on all your future endeavors Sweezy, even if it does take you 20 years to drop your first album!
In the words of my good friend, Jigga:
"I'm a hustler baby I just want you to know, it aight where I been, it's where I'm bout to go!!"
LB Out
LB I went nowhere
After you read this spit, you'll have nothing to do but sit and stare
I need to talk to you
Listen too this as I holla at you
I was waiting for the new blog
But its alright your about to drift off in the fog
Or in my dust
Your nothing but a bust
So hood, instead of hold up, they tell me freeze up
You wanna scrap? Roll your sleeves up
LB believe I'm about this battle action
Banker to banker, you aren’t even worth a small fraction
I bring my “A” game on every night
Rollin’ with hundreds, yeah I do it right
You say you make it rain
But you just pour the Gin on your brain
You talk bout the Tummy
Your names LB aka Gutsi so just shave them pounds b4 I steal your honey
Don’t buy her that Versace bikini
Cause she’ll be instant rollin’ in my Dubbed Lamborghini
Conference call Mr.MeToo
“Yo LB u rollin? Naw I broke my toe….Boo Hoo!”
Let everyone know that Sweezy’s the boss!
I paid dues my moves done made news like Ricky Ross!
Lets bring it back ask who am I? I be that boy Swizzle
Take your hizzle bizzle, you know thats fo shizzle
What I'm doing, thats me in the hook
You should learn a lot and read book
Life of Sweezy
Just keeps getting greezy
I’m always on the grind
This girl thinks I’m fine and she’s fully blind
LB aka hater you going down
Get drunk and break your foot somewhere downtown
Imma end this on a nice note
I make it really rain tha chauffer gonna have to pick me up in a boat
But before you retire, come kiss my ass and let me read you a la-la-bye
And we’ll end this battle by saluting LB “Bye, BYE!”
Sweezy aka greatest blog rapper alive!
You can read my retirement post earlier on this same page, thank you. So thank you, thank you all you've been far to kind. I will not pull a MJ or a Jigga and come back, or retire from retirement! I'm sorry haters. The only things I WILL say though is that I'm currently working (producing) with my new PROTEGE to create theeeeee most unreal song you have ever heard in your life time or anyones life time!
LB Out (for now!!)
who's sweezy? can u download his music on Limewire?
no u can not, but if u go downtown between rideau and william area you may just be able to hear him rapping about himself, he tends to hang out with the ho-bo's in that area!!
LB Out
P.S. Show yourself Anonymous!! Nevermind its probably Sweezy himself!!
ayo ima say fuck dis bwoy sweezy
i got cheaper coke than young jeezy
rude boy shottas bout to buss dem shots
fuck wit ya boy and you'll be in a hospital cot
Homie imma tell ya straight off the bat
It ain’t easy fuckin with Sweezy in a combat
You try to talk like a thug and apparently claim “the bay report”
Face it dog the truth gets reveled off your gay report
Your 4 line rap is just so lame
Maybe that cheap coke is whats too blame
Rude boy shottas you must be carrying a heater
Sure you aren’t another wanksta hustling in that wife beater?
Lets just say you’ll remember me
Cause with your weak flow it does nothing but worries me
Ya I keep it real and hold down on tha east side
Imma fly your girl down and let her do the nasty in my candy painted ride
If you havn’t noticed homie Sweezy’s for real
Stay in the battle and imma eat you like a Big Mac meal
With the nuggets in the middle
Don’t get this twisted this aint no riddle
I come hard swinging with my Louisville bat
If that don’t work I got my back-up Pachino gat
Not too worry im not tryin to bring no heat
But I might get loose and grab these lyrics and throw down a beat
Maybe even bring LB in the mix
I’ll stomp on your lyrics with my bape kicks
Ok Listen too me and realize no matter where I be that I be stunnin’
And imma end this freestyle, but I ain't runnin!
Holla attcha ya Boy – SWEEZY!
Sweezy don't waste your time son, that boys ryhmes are worse than that soon to be retired kid named 50, who ain't going down in history. Or maybe that boy LL, cause god knows he can't spell. Maybe he should do a track with James Blunt, cause this boys game stinkin' worse than a 50 year old cunt!!
LB Out
P.S. "Why ya gotta be so Anonymous?!?!?!"
smh sweezy yo rhymes whack boy. peace
This dude came back with one lame line
Cause he knows his chance with Sweezy would be a straight decline
I be glowing in the rain
Battling this dude not knowing his name
Its all good cause Sweezy ballin’ harder
Even Diddy would say I be livin larger
Pockets exploding with credit cards
And your boy be in the VIP with all the broads
Mr. Me Too let me holla at you
Tell this dude that my rhymes are sicker then the flu
You better come back with some revenge dog
We’ll all give you one more chance to write on this blog
It’s about to go down
You opened your mouth and brought me to come around
Sweezy’s so sick with it
Keep runnin’ that mouth and imma bout to take a road trip
Dude doesn’t stand a chance
Rap ain’t your shit dog so go acid out to techno dance
Homie you gonna have to start paying for these skits
But honestly speaking you should hang up the mic and call it quits!!!!
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