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This Video Describes the Whole Experience.....

Last month I wrote a blog post about bringing my girlfriend to a hidden gem restaurant in Ottawa called Navarra. Well I had the opportunity to take part in filming a chef battle last weekend, that included Senor Rene Rodriguez who is the owner and head chef of Navarra. We had a little chat about viral ads, and he directed me to a video that he had someone put together for his restaurant. I took one look and was blown away.......and I had no choice but to share it with all of you.

Check it out!!!
Navarra Restaurant
93 Murray St.
Ottawa, ON

Round #2 For the V-Log.....

I told you before that we're coming hard this summer with the video blogs. If you see me out an about don't be surprised if I get you on camera and up on the blog!!!
Don't forget to visit the YouTube channel ---> Springheat28.

We're Back.....

We've been gone for awhile, but been busy setting up the summer video blog. Make sure to visit the YouTube channel...just click here ---> Springheat28. Here is the first summer jam!!!