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Good Morning.....

This is why America is the fattest country in the world!! The only country where people go hunting on a full stomach. At least marketers are in touch with what the public wants with this ad.

Shabooters is ALIVE!!!

As you all know, we have lost one of our own soldiers....the one and only MANTI!! She has left us all for a better life overseas, or at least that's what she wants us to believe. I did a bit of research into the matter and Cleanslacks is proud to be the first to break the news of WHY she left. By judging from the picture you all might be thinking she left for Texas to live her life long dream of owning a cattle ranch...but that's not it! (That's what we thought too)

A few months ago Shabooters began to lay low on the social scene, and was very quiet when it came to her future plans. She would always stay in or go for 'DINNER' at very high priced steakhouses. This is what led us to believe she was heading to Texas, what with the high consumption of steak. However, it turns out that Manti was running a very high class coq ring in her backyard where many of Ottawa's elite would gather to bet on illegal coq fights. She had her nonna work security, which made it nearly impossible for anybody to get in and catch a glimpse of the action....but in the end Shabooters was raking in the dough!! I guess the heat got a little to close to home and she had to ditch Ottawa for safer grounds overseas.

We just made contact with her, and she's doing just fine. No trouble with the law overseas....yet, and still living off the fortunes she made with the illegal fights. She told us that she's keeping such a low profile, that instead of using some of her fortune to purchase a new Ferrari she's opted for a 10-speed bike....helping her fit in with the locals.

Kudos to you Shabooters for pulling off the unthinkable!! We send our love, but please make sure to keep the slacks clean cause cops can smell the ish a mile away. We would like to dedicate today's song to you and your worldwide pimpin'!! Cleanslack player top right -->

So This is What They Look Like....

I'm sure you all remember the classic video game "Space Invaders". It was one of the first Atari games that really caught on and generated a cult following with their classic 8-bit graphics. Ever wonder what those space ships would look like with today's graphic set?

Cookie Monster Always Knew Google Was His Friend.....

Today on Google's homepage, they are celebrating the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street by paying homage to the Cookie Monster. Yesterday they were giving respect to Big Bird by using his long legs as the letter 'L' in the Google logo.

This is actually quite ironic that the Cookie Monster is in the Google logo today, because I found a Sesame Street video that was made 27 years ago with Kermit and CM. It's crazy because this video was made 16 years before Google existed and technically the song is about Cookie Monsters googly eyes, but somehow it still sorta fits as a tribute to the search engine giant. Coincidence....I think not! The Cookie Monster knew all about Google and how this search engine startup would one day take over the world. Not only is he a visionary but he doesn't even wear cleanslacks.

Who Says We Don't Know How to Communicate?

There is alot of talk lately that the younger generation has lost all communication skills because of modern day technology. It seems that picking up the phone to talk just isn't the norm anymore, and SMS and EMAIL are the preferred modes of communication among today's youth. I used to agree with that statement until I discovered a little hidden gem of an app for the Apple iPhone!!

This app allows you to add little emoticons to your text based conversation, and if you think about it this is how our parents were taught to communicate when they were young!! You might not be following me on this one....but just hear me out.

Think back to kindergarden when you were just a little young'n try to get a prime spot in the sandbox, and your teachers would call you over for story time. I'm sure we all remember story time, but do you recall the books and how we were taught? The books were full of color and giant pictures with minimal verbage to describe what was going was the pictures that did all the talking. So as you can see, this is how we were all taught....through pictures and little bits of text. So in my opinion I think that using emoticons within texting is just linking us back to how we were taught to communicate and understand one another.

Not sure if I have you sold or not, but the bottom line is that this new app is too addictive for me not to use and endorse daily!! Just look at how cool my text conversations are now.........

Baller iPhone Apps for October....

Last week Apple officially announced that they have reached 100,000 apps available in their app store. The app store has everything from really childish games to highly advanced CCTV feeds that you can view right on your iPhone. Ever since this whole app explosion, there are tons of new sites that have popped up outlining daily new apps and reviews.

Here are a few really good sites to check out:

1. App Safari
2. AppVee
3. MacWorld App Guide
4. App Finder

These sites are the best way to get the newest app's and check out videos on how they work. The newest app that is starting to blow up is called 'Layar' and was originally only supposed to be for the Google Android phone but it has quietly made it's way in the Apple app store. It's a free download, and is crazy! I've provided a link to their homepage that will give you a full explanation of how reality browsing works. GET IT!!!

Layar Website